Cactus Computer & Internet


Adding a page

  1. Make sure you are in the page you want as the parent page.
  2. Click “New Page” on the bottom menu.  Note the Parent Page to be sure the menu structure will be correct.
  3. Name your page.   Just replace “New Page” with your page title and tab down.  Note that the URL changes when you hit the Tab key (you MUST tab down!)  The menu item added below the parent page will have your page title on it.
  4. You can choose a menu icon if you wish.  You may change the checkboxes, but leave “Include in Menu” checked.
  5. Click “Create New Page” at the bottom.

Add page features.

  1. Click the link at the top to “Add/Remove Features”
  2. The most common feature is HTML content, which is the words and pictures most web pages contain.  Change the title to be what you want at the top of the page.
  3. Click the “Create New Content” button.
  4. Click “View This Page” at the top to see what you have. 
  5. Now click the Edit link (or pencil icon) and add your text, pictures, tables, etc.